You're paying your bills late
You are having trouble managing your time
You can't find important papers
Your home feels chaotic
You don't know what to do first
You're just plain tired of running in circles
It is easy to fit into a busy schedule
You receive a customized plan and actionable steps
Regular feedback on goals
Help in time management and productivity
Leads to personal growth
Improvement in confidence
Learn, implement, and maintain healthy habits
to get your moving forward
so that you can create the life you want, use your gifts and talents every day, set a good example for your family, and have less on your mind.
Plan Your Month
Conquer Mind Blocks
Create Actionable Steps
Get Feedback
Free to Join
Thursdays 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CST
Focused time to plan for the next month, and create a mindset that will allow you proactively anticipate and plan for the upcoming events.
2025 Dates
January 30
February 27
March 27
April 24
May 29
June 26
July 24
August 28
September 25
October 23
November 20
December 18
Weekly LIVE Group Planning Sessions
See group members - Community, connection, Conversation
Sunday Basket® Support
Plan meals & grocery lists
Bill management
Manage household Paperwork Easily
Fridays 9:30 aM - 11:00 aM CST
Sometimes we just need a time and place to set your intentions for the upcoming week. This is an opportunity to brainstorm, ideas, get feedback, and get things done!
Focus time to organize important information
paper organizing survey to help in your decision making
co-working with others
what to keep/what not to keep handout
how to create reference Binders for important information
Sort paper into projects
professional organizer to answer your questions
Virtual Paper Organizing Retreat
Saturdays, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm CST
February 15
April 12
July 12
September 27
November 1
TBA in Nashville, TN
Focus time to organize important information
paper organizing survey to help in your decision making
Sort Paper Into Projects
how to create reference Binders for important information
professional organizer to answer your questions
Join the Waitlist - information Coming Soon!
Time management Support
Project Planning
Sunday Basket® Set Up
Friday Workbox® Set Up
Coaching Sessions Available
Personalized coaching to support you as you manage your home and work. With this personalized approach, you will discover what works for you and skip what doesn't.
You may stock up Paper Solution products such as the Sunday Basket®, Friday Workbox®, Organize 365 slash pockets, and office supplies using this affiliate link.
As a certified Organizer with Organize 365, I am an affiliate for Paper Solution products and will receive a commission when you purchase through my link.
I am a certified Christian Life Coach through Life Mentoring School and
a Paper Solution® Certified Organizer endorsed by Organize 365® with additional certifications for support for Work, Education, and Kids and Young Adults.
My training has equipped me to coach you in life organization which includes the management of your family, home, information, and work.